Who Is Pasindu Ranasinghe?

Hola, I’m Pasindu. I’m the Chief Writing Officer here at Pasindu.net where I help struggling yet hopeful twenty-somethings (including me) to kick ass in life.

I’m a blogger, copywriter, tea lover, and I love seeking experiences.

I’m a 2000-born kid. I was born, raised, and currently reside in Colombo, Sri Lanka. I graduated in 2023 in international business management from the University of West London, UK.

My role models? People who are “self-made”. People who are happy. Anyone who makes the world a better place.

My goal with this blog is to inspire you to take action while becoming an improved human being myself. This can be about starting your own business, doing something meaningful for work, losing weight, living a healthy lifestyle, changing mindsets, or even just starting your blog.

Other than holding a C-Suite position, I also do a bit of freelance work.

Currently, I’m looking for an entry-level job, preferably in marketing. If you are hiring, here’s my CV. To see what I’m doing these days, go to my “now” page.

Here’s a list of things I like:

  • Tea
  • Football
  • Cricket
  • Cooking
  • Reading words on pages
  • Friends
  • Creative writing
  • Sitcoms (The Office, Community, Super Store, etc.)
  • Kottu
  • Working out

These are my stories and experiences in navigating through career, fitness, productivity, business, relationships, and more.

Contact Me

If you want to say hi, email me at hello[at]pasindu[dot]net. I reply to every email.
You can also send me a message on Twitter/X or Instagram. You can also connect with me on Linkedin.

Other forms of communication, including carrier pigeons and psychic signals seem to be less reliable, so stick to the above methods just to be safe.

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